Each guinea pig needs 1/8 of a cup (two tablespoons) of pellets, 1 cup of veggies, and unlimited hay each day. Avoid pellets with colored pieces and dried fruit or vegetables. A common misconception is that guinea pigs can eat rabbit pellets. Guinea pigs need pellets fortified with vitamin C, something rabbit food lacks. Two of the best brands of guinea pig pellets are Oxbow and Small Pet Select. 

Guinea pigs need leaf vegetables everyday (Piggies cannot eat iceberg lettuce!) Some everyday favorites for piggies are, leafy lettuce,  pepper, cilantro, and zucchini. Some off-limit foods are potatoes, anything cooked, or anything with hard seeds. For more information, go to Happy Cavy's safe foods list.

From birth to 4 months, piggies eat alfalfa hay. Guinea pigs aged 4 months or older need unlimited access to timothy hay.


Here at Camp Cavy we prefer to use fleece bedding. If you don't want to use fleece, there are a few other options. You should not use pine or cedar bedding as it irritates the piggie's respiratory system. Carefresh is the best option for bedding if you're not using fleece.

Misc. Information


  • Guinea pigs are extremely social animals and do better in pairs (or more). However, every once in a while there is a pig who can't live with others and you shouldn't force them.
  • Pigs only need vitamin C fortified pellets, veggies, and hay. "Treats" mass marketed by pet supply stores are not healthy.
  • Guinea pigs' spines are not equipped to run on wheels or in balls.
  • You cannot house guinea pigs with other animals like rabbits or hamsters.
  • Young children should always be supervised while handling a guinea pig.
  • Guinea pigs need their nails clipped once every other week. Baths shouldn't be given very often as it dries out their skin.
  • Guinea pigs are prey animals and scare easily. Usually, it will be challenging to get them out of their cage. Do not fear - this doesn't mean they don't like you, it's just instinctive for them to run away. Once they are picked up they like being held or snuggled.
  • Guinea pigs have a grease gland that needs to be cleaned. You should check it every once in a while to make sure it's not dirty. A quick bottom bath can clear it right up!
  • Even though they have nice sized cages, guinea pigs still need time to run around.You can set up floor time, a nice safe place with toys, tunnels, water, and hay.  You can use grids, buy fences from Walmart or amazon, or create your own by blocking off any dangerous area the piggie can fit in. 

Food: Pellets, Veggies, & Hay

Guinea Pigs need plenty of room to run. For two female guinea pigs, at least a 2x4 C&C cage (or size equivalent of 27 inch by 56 inch living area // 30 inch by 60 inch exterior ) is necessary. A pair of male guinea pigs require at least 2x5 C&C  (or size equivalent of 27 inch by 70 inch living area // 30 inch by 76 inch exterior) because boys have a tendency to be more energetic and territorial. Cage size and food quality are extremely important to the health and wellness of guinea pigs.